Tuesday, December 7, 2010

PAA Promotional Video

*How effective is the video raising (or lowering) your interest in attending PAA? Be specific. 
*Does the style of the video match up well with the content (with the main ideas being presented?)
*What changes would you like to see? 
*Is there any material or activities associated with PAA that you might like to add? 
*How did the music and dialogue match up with the visuals? 
*What do you think of the motion and template elements - for example, the use of two different video windows at the same time?

The video does an excellent job of accentuating the various programs and activities at PAA. If I was an 8th grader observing this promo, I would probably be quite impressed and think very seriously about attending this school.

Stylistically, the video does not offer anything that I am particularly enthralled with. For the purpose at hand, however, the sort of cheesy-inspirational look mashes up well with the content, which is similarly displayed.

One thing I don't like about this promo is its length. I would condense it to around 3-5 minutes if it were my choice. The music and dialogue matched up well with the visuals, however (e.g. the chapel music was playing when members of the praise band were being interviewed and so forth). I thought the use of two different visuals at one time was highly effective. For instance, when parents were talking about their children, there were two different clips that were shown instantaneously: The parents talking, and the children performing the activity they were talking about.

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