Friday, September 24, 2010


Specifically, juxtaposition means 'to place side by side'. One way Morris has used this in his film is by having several different interviews consecutively intertwined, which include: The fella who creates animals out of brush, the circus man, the naked mole rat connoisseur, and an expert of robotics.

My personal favorite would have to be the lion trainer. There is such an element of danger to his profession.

Also, lions are my preferred creature of interest. Somehow, they fuse lazy and ferocious in an indescribable, yet glorious fashion.

These stories are connected because each occupation in this film share several odd and incredible characteristics. All four professions are extremely rare, and it takes some form of genius to successfully practice any of them.

What perspective does Mr. Morris take?

Tough question. To myself, it seems the direction he takes is that he is obviously quite intrigued by the character's unusual expertise (simply judging by the fact that he is making a movie about them). At times, Morris inserts random video clips as B-Roll. Generally, the clips are of old films. It appears as though he is accentuating how technology is and has progressed because of individuals like the ones shown in the documentary.

In two words, I describe this film as "happy haunting".

Forgive me, professor(s) for turning in my homework a day late. I have saddened myself because of this unfortunate reality. 

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